Quality Management
A systematic set of activities to ensure that processes create products with maximum *Quality* at minimum *Cost of Quality*. The activities include *Quality Assurance*, *Quality Control*, and *Quality Improvement*.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Quality Assurance
A planned and systematic set of activities to ensure that variances in processes are clearly identified, assessed and improving defined processes for fullfilling the requirements of customers and product or service makers.
A planned and systematic pattern of all actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that the product optimally fulfils customer's expectations.
A planned and systematic set of activities to ensure that requirements are clearly established and the defined process complies to these requirements.
"Work done to ensure that Quality is built into work products, rather than Defects." This is by (a) identifying what "quality" means in context; (b) specifying methods by which its presence can be ensured; and (c) specifying ways in which it can be measured to ensure conformance (see *Quality Control*, also *Quality*).
A planned and systematic set of activities to ensure that variances in processes are clearly identified, assessed and improving defined processes for fullfilling the requirements of customers and product or service makers.
A planned and systematic pattern of all actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that the product optimally fulfils customer's expectations.
A planned and systematic set of activities to ensure that requirements are clearly established and the defined process complies to these requirements.
"Work done to ensure that Quality is built into work products, rather than Defects." This is by (a) identifying what "quality" means in context; (b) specifying methods by which its presence can be ensured; and (c) specifying ways in which it can be measured to ensure conformance (see *Quality Control*, also *Quality*).
Quality is difficult to define, it's an abstract term, it requires continuous and dynamic adaptation of products and services to fulfill or exceed the requirements or expectations of all parties in the organization and the community as a whole.
'Quality means conformance to requirements' (Philip Crosby, 'Quality Is Free'). It does not matter whether or not the requirements are articulated or specified; if a product does not fully satisfy, it lacks quality in some respect. ('Quality is binary -- you've either got it, or you haven't' -- ibid. Note that both these quotes are 'top-of-the-head' and therefore approximate.)
The starting-point for a 'quality product', therefore, is precise determination of the requirements of its users. This may not be possible in practice, but should still be attempted as best possible (see *Acceptable Quality Level*).
Note that the 'quality' of a product is the sum of multiple separate *Quality Attributes*.
Quality is difficult to define, it's an abstract term, it requires continuous and dynamic adaptation of products and services to fulfill or exceed the requirements or expectations of all parties in the organization and the community as a whole.
'Quality means conformance to requirements' (Philip Crosby, 'Quality Is Free'). It does not matter whether or not the requirements are articulated or specified; if a product does not fully satisfy, it lacks quality in some respect. ('Quality is binary -- you've either got it, or you haven't' -- ibid. Note that both these quotes are 'top-of-the-head' and therefore approximate.)
The starting-point for a 'quality product', therefore, is precise determination of the requirements of its users. This may not be possible in practice, but should still be attempted as best possible (see *Acceptable Quality Level*).
Note that the 'quality' of a product is the sum of multiple separate *Quality Attributes*.
QS-9000 is a quality system standard that focuses on helping automotive suppliers ensure that they are meeting/exceeding automotive customer requirements. As mentioned before, it uses ISO 9000 as a core (document control, corrective action, auditing, etc.), but adds quite a few additional requirements.
QS-9000 is now being replaced by a newer related standard called ISO/TS 16949. TS 16949 contains all of ISO 9000, QS-9000, and many European standards.
TS is much more process-oriented than QS or ISO. It defines the business as a set of processes with inputs and outputs that need to be defined, controlled, improved/optimized, etc. In my view TS looks like someone who knew QS took Six Sigma/BB training and incorporated many of the SS/BB ideas.
QS-9000 is a quality system standard that focuses on helping automotive suppliers ensure that they are meeting/exceeding automotive customer requirements. As mentioned before, it uses ISO 9000 as a core (document control, corrective action, auditing, etc.), but adds quite a few additional requirements.
QS-9000 is now being replaced by a newer related standard called ISO/TS 16949. TS 16949 contains all of ISO 9000, QS-9000, and many European standards.
TS is much more process-oriented than QS or ISO. It defines the business as a set of processes with inputs and outputs that need to be defined, controlled, improved/optimized, etc. In my view TS looks like someone who knew QS took Six Sigma/BB training and incorporated many of the SS/BB ideas.
All Qualit Key words
1-Sample Sign Test
2-Sample t Test
5 Laws of Lean Six Sigma
5 Why's
6 Ms
6 Serving Men of Creativity
7 QC Tools
7 Wastes Of Lean
8 D Process
8 Wastes of Lean
^ Top
A Acceptable Quality Level - AQL
Acceptance Number
Accessory Planning
Active Data
Activity Based Costing ABC
Affinity Diagram
Alpha Risk
Alternative Hypothesis Ha
Analysis Of Variance ANOVA
Analytical Modeling
Anderson-Darling Normality Test
Appraisal Cost
Arrow Diagrams
Artisan Process
Assignable Cause
Attribute Data
Attribution Theory
Automated Process
Average Incoming Quality
Average Outgoing Quality
^ Top
B B10 life
Balanced Experiment
Balanced Scorecard
Baldrige, Malcolm
Bar Chart
Bartlett Test
Best Practice
Beta Risk
BIA - Business Impact Analysis
Big 'Q'
Bimodal Distribution
Binomial Distribution
Binomial Random Variable
Black Belt
Black Noise
Box-Cox Transformation
Business Metric
Business Process Quality Management
Business Requirements
Business Value Added
^ Top
C Calibration
Capability Analysis
CAR Corrective Action Report
Cause and Effect Diagram
Center Points
Central Limit Theorem
Central Tendency
Chaku Chaku
Change Agent
Change Management
Chi Square Test
Coefficient of Variation
Common Cause
Common Cause Variation
Competitive Advantage
Concept Engineering
Concomitant Variable
Confidence Band Or Interval
Confidence Interval
Consequential Metrics
Consumers Risk
Continuous Data
Continuous Improvement CI
Control Chart
Control Limits
Control Plan
Convert DPMO/Sigma To Cpk
Correction versus Corrective Action
Corrective Action
Corrective Action versus Preventive Action
Correlation Coefficient r
Cost Model
Cost Of Conformance
Cost Of Non-Conformance
Cost of Poor Quality - COPQ
Cost Of Quality
Cost Target
Critical Element
Critical To Quality - CTQ
Current Reality Tree
Customer Focus
Customer Requirements
Cusum Chart
Cycle Time
^ Top
D Dashboard
Dashboard Examples
Datsu Chaku
Decision Rights Owner
Defects %
Defects Per Million Opportunities - DPMO
Defects Per Unit - DPU
Definition of Quality
Degree of Freedom
Deming Cycle, PDCA
Dependent Variable
Descriptive statistics
Design For Manufacturing and Assembly DFMA
Design for Six Sigma - DFSS
Design of Experiments - DOE
Design Risk Assessment
Detectable Effect Size
DF degrees of freedom
DF Degrees of freedom
Discrete Data
Dunnett's 1-way ANOVA
^ Top
Empirical Rule
Entry Criteria
Error Type I
Error Type II
Error Cause Removal
Error Mode Effects Analysis
Exit Criteria
^ Top
F F test
Factor of a Consequence
Fagan Style Software Inspection
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis FMEA
Fenwick-vanKoesveld Test
Financial Metrics
First Time Yield - FTY
Fisher's 1-way ANOVA
Fitted value
Force Field Analysis
Form / Format
Fractional Factorial DOE
Frequency Plot
Full factorial DOE
F-value ANOVA
^ Top
G Gage R&R
Gantt Chart
Gap Analysis
General Linear Model
Get Info on Loan from 14 Search Engines in 1
Global definition of 'Quality'
Goodman-Kruskal Gamma
Green Belt
Gwilliam Motivational Model
^ Top
H Hanedashi
Hard Savings
Hawthorn Effect
Hidden Factory, The
Homegeneity of variance
Hoshin Kanri
Hoshin Kanri
House of Quality
Hyper Micro Process map
Hypothesis Testing
^ Top
Ideation Brainstorming
I-MR Chart
Incoming Goods Inspection
Independent Variable
Indirect Cost
Inferential Statistics
Inspection Plan
Instant Pudding
Intangible benefits
Interactional Data
Interquartile Range
Interrelationship digraph
Ishikawa, Ichiro
ISO 9000 Series of Standards
ISO 9001:2000
^ Top
J Jack in the Box
Just In Time JIT Manufacturing
^ Top
K Kaikaku
Kaizen Blitz
Kaizen Event
Kaizen Event
Kano Analysis
Kirkpatricks 4 Levels of Evaluation
^ Top
L L1 Spreadsheet
L2 Spreadsheet
Lead Time
Lean Level of Buffering LLB
Lean Manufacturing
Leptokurtic Distribution
Level of Buffering
Likert Scale
Linear Relationship
Little's Law
Low Hanging Fruit
Lurking Variable
^ Top
M Machine Capability Index
Main Effect
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
Mallows Statistic C-p
Management by Knowledge
Master Black Belt
Matrix Diagram
Measure of Central Tendency and Dispersion
Measurement System Analysis - MSA
Measures Of Variation
MGPP - Multi Generational Product Planning
Mid Range
Mid rank
Moods Median
Multiple Regression
Multi-Vari Chart
^ Top
N Natural Tolerances
Nominal Data
Nominal Group Technique
Non-parametric Test
Normal Distribution
Normal Probability
Normality test
Null Hypothesis Ho
^ Top
O O.C.T. - Operation Cost Target
Objective Evidence
O'Brien Effect
One Piece Flow
Operational Cost
Operational Definition
Operations Process
Opportunity Creation
Ordinal Data
Ordinal Data Type
^ Top
P P Value
Paired T Test
Passion for Action - PFA
Passive Data
Paynter Chart
Pearson's Correlation
Percent of tolerance
Platykurtic Distribution
Poisson Distribution
Poka Yoke
Pooled Standard Deviation
Population Defect Rate
Positive Correlation
Prediction Band or Prediction Interval
Prevention cost
Preventive Action
Primary Metrics
Probability of Defect
Process Acceptance Certificate
Process Baseline
Process Capability
Process Capability Index
Process Control
Process Control Plan
Process Control Versus Process Capability
Process Cycle Efficiency PCE
Process Design Requirements
Process Entitlement
Process Indicator
Process Instance
Process Management
Process Map
Process Maturity
Process Measurables
Process Owner
Process Performance Management
Process Stability
Producers Risk
Productivity Target
Project Nomination
Project Process
Project Scope
Project Selection
Pugh Matrix
Pull System
^ Top
Q Q1
Qualitative Data
Quality Assurance
Quality Attribute
Quality Control
Quality Dictionary
Quality Function Deployment
Quality Gap
Quality Improvement
Quality Management
Quality Procrastination
Quality Record
Quality Target
Quantitative data
Quantitative Variable
Queuing Theory
^ Top
Rabbit Chase
Radar Chart
Random Sample
Random Variation
Rational Subgroup
Red X
Result Measurables
Robust Process
Rolled Throughput Yield - RTY
Root Cause
Root Cause Analysis
R-Square Adjusted
Run Chart
Runs Test
^ Top
S S.M.A.R.T.
Sample Size Calc.
Saturated Design
Scatter Plot
SCOT analysis
Screening DOE
S-hat Model
Ship Date
Short-Run SPC
Sigma Level
Simple Linear Regression
Six Sigma
Six Sigma Strategy
Soft Savings
Software Inspection
Software Inspection Plan
Special Cause
Special Cause Variation
SS Process Report
SS Product Report
Stable Process
Stakeholder Analysis
Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation
Standard Operating Sheet SOS
Standard Order
Statistical Process Control SPC
Statistical Thinking
Stem and Leaf Plot
Strategic Planning
Subject Matter
Subject Matter Expert - SME
Subjective Rating and Ranking
Supply Chain Management
SWOT Analysis
System Audit
System of Profound Knowledge - SoPK
Systems Engineering
Systems Thinking
^ Top
T t Statistic
t Test
Taguchi Method
Takt Time
Team Capacity
Team Leader
Theory of constraints TOC
Thought Process Map - TMAP
Time Value Map
Tolerance Range
Total Observed Variation
Total Prob of Defect
Total Quality
Total Quality Management
Transfer Function Y=fX
Tree Diagram
Trend Analysis
Trend Charts
Tribal Knowledge
Trimmed Mean
Trivial many
Tukey's 1-way ANOVA
Type I Error
Type II Error
^ Top
U U Chart
Unbiased Statistic
Unexplained Variation S
^ Top
V Value
Value Stream
Value Stream Mapping
Variable Data
Variance Inflation Factor
Variation Common Cause
Variation Special Cause
Variation Mode and Effect Analysis - VMEA
Visual Controls
Vital Few
Voice Of the Business VOB
Voice Of the Customer VOC
Voice Of the Employee VOE
Voice Of The Process VOP
^ Top
W Warning Limits
Web Charttm
White Noise
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
Work Cell
World-Class Quality
^ Top
X Bar
X-Bar and R Charts
^ Top
Yellow Belt - YB
^ Top
Z bench
Z lt
Z Score
Z Shift
Z st
Zero Defects
2-Sample t Test
5 Laws of Lean Six Sigma
5 Why's
6 Ms
6 Serving Men of Creativity
7 QC Tools
7 Wastes Of Lean
8 D Process
8 Wastes of Lean
^ Top
A Acceptable Quality Level - AQL
Acceptance Number
Accessory Planning
Active Data
Activity Based Costing ABC
Affinity Diagram
Alpha Risk
Alternative Hypothesis Ha
Analysis Of Variance ANOVA
Analytical Modeling
Anderson-Darling Normality Test
Appraisal Cost
Arrow Diagrams
Artisan Process
Assignable Cause
Attribute Data
Attribution Theory
Automated Process
Average Incoming Quality
Average Outgoing Quality
^ Top
B B10 life
Balanced Experiment
Balanced Scorecard
Baldrige, Malcolm
Bar Chart
Bartlett Test
Best Practice
Beta Risk
BIA - Business Impact Analysis
Big 'Q'
Bimodal Distribution
Binomial Distribution
Binomial Random Variable
Black Belt
Black Noise
Box-Cox Transformation
Business Metric
Business Process Quality Management
Business Requirements
Business Value Added
^ Top
C Calibration
Capability Analysis
CAR Corrective Action Report
Cause and Effect Diagram
Center Points
Central Limit Theorem
Central Tendency
Chaku Chaku
Change Agent
Change Management
Chi Square Test
Coefficient of Variation
Common Cause
Common Cause Variation
Competitive Advantage
Concept Engineering
Concomitant Variable
Confidence Band Or Interval
Confidence Interval
Consequential Metrics
Consumers Risk
Continuous Data
Continuous Improvement CI
Control Chart
Control Limits
Control Plan
Convert DPMO/Sigma To Cpk
Correction versus Corrective Action
Corrective Action
Corrective Action versus Preventive Action
Correlation Coefficient r
Cost Model
Cost Of Conformance
Cost Of Non-Conformance
Cost of Poor Quality - COPQ
Cost Of Quality
Cost Target
Critical Element
Critical To Quality - CTQ
Current Reality Tree
Customer Focus
Customer Requirements
Cusum Chart
Cycle Time
^ Top
D Dashboard
Dashboard Examples
Datsu Chaku
Decision Rights Owner
Defects %
Defects Per Million Opportunities - DPMO
Defects Per Unit - DPU
Definition of Quality
Degree of Freedom
Deming Cycle, PDCA
Dependent Variable
Descriptive statistics
Design For Manufacturing and Assembly DFMA
Design for Six Sigma - DFSS
Design of Experiments - DOE
Design Risk Assessment
Detectable Effect Size
DF degrees of freedom
DF Degrees of freedom
Discrete Data
Dunnett's 1-way ANOVA
^ Top
Empirical Rule
Entry Criteria
Error Type I
Error Type II
Error Cause Removal
Error Mode Effects Analysis
Exit Criteria
^ Top
F F test
Factor of a Consequence
Fagan Style Software Inspection
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis FMEA
Fenwick-vanKoesveld Test
Financial Metrics
First Time Yield - FTY
Fisher's 1-way ANOVA
Fitted value
Force Field Analysis
Form / Format
Fractional Factorial DOE
Frequency Plot
Full factorial DOE
F-value ANOVA
^ Top
G Gage R&R
Gantt Chart
Gap Analysis
General Linear Model
Get Info on Loan from 14 Search Engines in 1
Global definition of 'Quality'
Goodman-Kruskal Gamma
Green Belt
Gwilliam Motivational Model
^ Top
H Hanedashi
Hard Savings
Hawthorn Effect
Hidden Factory, The
Homegeneity of variance
Hoshin Kanri
Hoshin Kanri
House of Quality
Hyper Micro Process map
Hypothesis Testing
^ Top
Ideation Brainstorming
I-MR Chart
Incoming Goods Inspection
Independent Variable
Indirect Cost
Inferential Statistics
Inspection Plan
Instant Pudding
Intangible benefits
Interactional Data
Interquartile Range
Interrelationship digraph
Ishikawa, Ichiro
ISO 9000 Series of Standards
ISO 9001:2000
^ Top
J Jack in the Box
Just In Time JIT Manufacturing
^ Top
K Kaikaku
Kaizen Blitz
Kaizen Event
Kaizen Event
Kano Analysis
Kirkpatricks 4 Levels of Evaluation
^ Top
L L1 Spreadsheet
L2 Spreadsheet
Lead Time
Lean Level of Buffering LLB
Lean Manufacturing
Leptokurtic Distribution
Level of Buffering
Likert Scale
Linear Relationship
Little's Law
Low Hanging Fruit
Lurking Variable
^ Top
M Machine Capability Index
Main Effect
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
Mallows Statistic C-p
Management by Knowledge
Master Black Belt
Matrix Diagram
Measure of Central Tendency and Dispersion
Measurement System Analysis - MSA
Measures Of Variation
MGPP - Multi Generational Product Planning
Mid Range
Mid rank
Moods Median
Multiple Regression
Multi-Vari Chart
^ Top
N Natural Tolerances
Nominal Data
Nominal Group Technique
Non-parametric Test
Normal Distribution
Normal Probability
Normality test
Null Hypothesis Ho
^ Top
O O.C.T. - Operation Cost Target
Objective Evidence
O'Brien Effect
One Piece Flow
Operational Cost
Operational Definition
Operations Process
Opportunity Creation
Ordinal Data
Ordinal Data Type
^ Top
P P Value
Paired T Test
Passion for Action - PFA
Passive Data
Paynter Chart
Pearson's Correlation
Percent of tolerance
Platykurtic Distribution
Poisson Distribution
Poka Yoke
Pooled Standard Deviation
Population Defect Rate
Positive Correlation
Prediction Band or Prediction Interval
Prevention cost
Preventive Action
Primary Metrics
Probability of Defect
Process Acceptance Certificate
Process Baseline
Process Capability
Process Capability Index
Process Control
Process Control Plan
Process Control Versus Process Capability
Process Cycle Efficiency PCE
Process Design Requirements
Process Entitlement
Process Indicator
Process Instance
Process Management
Process Map
Process Maturity
Process Measurables
Process Owner
Process Performance Management
Process Stability
Producers Risk
Productivity Target
Project Nomination
Project Process
Project Scope
Project Selection
Pugh Matrix
Pull System
^ Top
Q Q1
Qualitative Data
Quality Assurance
Quality Attribute
Quality Control
Quality Dictionary
Quality Function Deployment
Quality Gap
Quality Improvement
Quality Management
Quality Procrastination
Quality Record
Quality Target
Quantitative data
Quantitative Variable
Queuing Theory
^ Top
Rabbit Chase
Radar Chart
Random Sample
Random Variation
Rational Subgroup
Red X
Result Measurables
Robust Process
Rolled Throughput Yield - RTY
Root Cause
Root Cause Analysis
R-Square Adjusted
Run Chart
Runs Test
^ Top
S S.M.A.R.T.
Sample Size Calc.
Saturated Design
Scatter Plot
SCOT analysis
Screening DOE
S-hat Model
Ship Date
Short-Run SPC
Sigma Level
Simple Linear Regression
Six Sigma
Six Sigma Strategy
Soft Savings
Software Inspection
Software Inspection Plan
Special Cause
Special Cause Variation
SS Process Report
SS Product Report
Stable Process
Stakeholder Analysis
Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation
Standard Operating Sheet SOS
Standard Order
Statistical Process Control SPC
Statistical Thinking
Stem and Leaf Plot
Strategic Planning
Subject Matter
Subject Matter Expert - SME
Subjective Rating and Ranking
Supply Chain Management
SWOT Analysis
System Audit
System of Profound Knowledge - SoPK
Systems Engineering
Systems Thinking
^ Top
T t Statistic
t Test
Taguchi Method
Takt Time
Team Capacity
Team Leader
Theory of constraints TOC
Thought Process Map - TMAP
Time Value Map
Tolerance Range
Total Observed Variation
Total Prob of Defect
Total Quality
Total Quality Management
Transfer Function Y=fX
Tree Diagram
Trend Analysis
Trend Charts
Tribal Knowledge
Trimmed Mean
Trivial many
Tukey's 1-way ANOVA
Type I Error
Type II Error
^ Top
U U Chart
Unbiased Statistic
Unexplained Variation S
^ Top
V Value
Value Stream
Value Stream Mapping
Variable Data
Variance Inflation Factor
Variation Common Cause
Variation Special Cause
Variation Mode and Effect Analysis - VMEA
Visual Controls
Vital Few
Voice Of the Business VOB
Voice Of the Customer VOC
Voice Of the Employee VOE
Voice Of The Process VOP
^ Top
W Warning Limits
Web Charttm
White Noise
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
Work Cell
World-Class Quality
^ Top
X Bar
X-Bar and R Charts
^ Top
Yellow Belt - YB
^ Top
Z bench
Z lt
Z Score
Z Shift
Z st
Zero Defects
A lower specification limit is a value above which performance of a product or process is acceptable. This is also known as a lower spec limit or LSL.
Lower Specific Limit: representing the minimum acceptable value of a variable (see also USL)
Lower Specific Limit: representing the minimum acceptable value of a variable (see also USL)
Lead Time
Last In, First Out. A method of inventory rotation to ensure that the newest inventory (last in) is used first (first out).
Last In, First Out. A method of inventory rotation to ensure that the newest inventory (last in) is used first (first out).
Lead Time
Lead Time
The amount of time, defined by the supplier, that is required to meet a customer request or demand. (Note, Lead Time is not the same as Cycle Time).
The amount of time, defined by the supplier, that is required to meet a customer request or demand. (Note, Lead Time is not the same as Cycle Time).
Kanban: A Japanese term. The actual term means "signal". It is one of the primary tools of a Just in Time (JIT) manufacturing system. It signals a cycle of replenishment for production and materials. This can be considered as a “demand” for product from on step in the manufacturing or delivery process to the next. It maintains an orderly and efficient flow of materials throughout the entire manufacturing process with low inventory and work in process. It is usually a printed card that contains specific information such as part name, description, quantity, etc.
In a Kanban manufacturing environment, nothing is manufactured unless there is a “signal” to manufacture. This is in contrast to a push-manufacturing environment where production is continuous.
Kanban: A Japanese term. The actual term means "signal". It is one of the primary tools of a Just in Time (JIT) manufacturing system. It signals a cycle of replenishment for production and materials. This can be considered as a “demand” for product from on step in the manufacturing or delivery process to the next. It maintains an orderly and efficient flow of materials throughout the entire manufacturing process with low inventory and work in process. It is usually a printed card that contains specific information such as part name, description, quantity, etc.
In a Kanban manufacturing environment, nothing is manufactured unless there is a “signal” to manufacture. This is in contrast to a push-manufacturing environment where production is continuous.
Japanese term that means continuous improvement, taken from words 'Kai' means continuous and 'zen' means improvement.
Some translate 'Kai' to mean change and 'zen' to mean good, or for the better.
The same japanese words Kaizen that pronounce as 'Gai San' in chinese mean:
Gai= The action to correct.
San= This word is more related to the Taoism or Buddhism Philosophy in which give the definition as the action that 'benefit' the society but not to one particular individual. The quality of benefit that involve here should be sustain forever, in other words the 'san' is and act that truely benefit the others.
Japanese term that means continuous improvement, taken from words 'Kai' means continuous and 'zen' means improvement.
Some translate 'Kai' to mean change and 'zen' to mean good, or for the better.
The same japanese words Kaizen that pronounce as 'Gai San' in chinese mean:
Gai= The action to correct.
San= This word is more related to the Taoism or Buddhism Philosophy in which give the definition as the action that 'benefit' the society but not to one particular individual. The quality of benefit that involve here should be sustain forever, in other words the 'san' is and act that truely benefit the others.
Just In Time (JIT) Manufacturing
Just In Time (JIT) Manufacturing
A planning system for manufacturing processes that optimizes availability of material inventories at the manufacturing site to only what, when & how much is necessary.
Typically a JIT Mfg. avoids the conventional Conveyor Systems. JIT is a pull system where the product is pulled along to its finish, rather than the conventional mass production which is a push system. It is possible using various tools like KANBAN, ANDON & CELL LAYOUT.
Others tools include: shojinka, smed, jidoka, poka-yoka, and kaizen.
A planning system for manufacturing processes that optimizes availability of material inventories at the manufacturing site to only what, when & how much is necessary.
Typically a JIT Mfg. avoids the conventional Conveyor Systems. JIT is a pull system where the product is pulled along to its finish, rather than the conventional mass production which is a push system. It is possible using various tools like KANBAN, ANDON & CELL LAYOUT.
Others tools include: shojinka, smed, jidoka, poka-yoka, and kaizen.
ISO 9000 Series of Standards
ISO 9000 Series of Standards
Series of standards established in the 1980s by countries of Western Europe as a basis for judging the adequacy of the quality control systems of companies.
Series of standards established in the 1980s by countries of Western Europe as a basis for judging the adequacy of the quality control systems of companies.
Inspection Plan
Inspection Plan
What is an inspection plan:
a. check machine tool for accuracy
b. select the critical and important dimensions to inspect
c. select the measuring insturments
d. construct SPC charts for all dimensions
This is part of NIMS certification for H.S. machine shop teachers and I could use some help! Thanks Jim
The general purposes of a Plan are these: To identify the goal(s) to be achieved; to specify the best route (methods, processes ...) for arriving at the goal(s); to catalogue resources (tools, time ...) needed to pursue the chosen route; to assign responsibilities for controlling and consuming those resources; and to secure agreement by relevant stakeholders. (This is *not* an exclusive list!)
See further under Software Inspection Plan.
What is an inspection plan:
a. check machine tool for accuracy
b. select the critical and important dimensions to inspect
c. select the measuring insturments
d. construct SPC charts for all dimensions
This is part of NIMS certification for H.S. machine shop teachers and I could use some help! Thanks Jim
The general purposes of a Plan are these: To identify the goal(s) to be achieved; to specify the best route (methods, processes ...) for arriving at the goal(s); to catalogue resources (tools, time ...) needed to pursue the chosen route; to assign responsibilities for controlling and consuming those resources; and to secure agreement by relevant stakeholders. (This is *not* an exclusive list!)
See further under Software Inspection Plan.
See *Fagan-style Inspection*, *Software Inspection*
Note: 'Inspection' outside of the software field may have a different -- and negative -- connotation equivalent to software 'testing'. It was the latter type of inspection that Deming condemned when he wrote, 'We must cease dependence on mass inspection' as a quality management technique.
See *Fagan-style Inspection*, *Software Inspection*
Note: 'Inspection' outside of the software field may have a different -- and negative -- connotation equivalent to software 'testing'. It was the latter type of inspection that Deming condemned when he wrote, 'We must cease dependence on mass inspection' as a quality management technique.
Incoming Goods Inspection
Incoming Goods Inspection
Incoming Goods Inspection (IGI)
A verification check if the product arrived in good condition at your warehouse before accepting them into your stock. In some cases additional measurements are required to verify if the product is according to the desired specification, but in general it means checking if the boxes are OK, the labels are there in the right place, the quantity is OK, etc., etc. The functionality is, or should be, guaranteed and proved with a measurement report from the vendor.
Incoming Goods Inspection (IGI)
A verification check if the product arrived in good condition at your warehouse before accepting them into your stock. In some cases additional measurements are required to verify if the product is according to the desired specification, but in general it means checking if the boxes are OK, the labels are there in the right place, the quantity is OK, etc., etc. The functionality is, or should be, guaranteed and proved with a measurement report from the vendor.
A bar graph of a frequency distribution in which the widths of the bars are proportional to the classes into which the variable has been divided and the heights of the bars are proportional to the class frequencies.
A histogram is a basic graphing tool that displays the relative frequency or occurrence of continuous data values showing which values occur most and least frequently. A histogram illustrates the shape, centering, and spread of data distribution and indicates whether there are any outliers.
A graphic way to summarize data. Size is shown on the horizontal axis (in cells) and the frequency of each size is shown on the vertical axis as a bar graph. The length of the bars is proportional to the relative frequencies of the data falling into each cell and the width is the range of the cell. Data is variable measurements from a process.
A bar graph of a frequency distribution in which the widths of the bars are proportional to the classes into which the variable has been divided and the heights of the bars are proportional to the class frequencies.
A histogram is a basic graphing tool that displays the relative frequency or occurrence of continuous data values showing which values occur most and least frequently. A histogram illustrates the shape, centering, and spread of data distribution and indicates whether there are any outliers.
A graphic way to summarize data. Size is shown on the horizontal axis (in cells) and the frequency of each size is shown on the vertical axis as a bar graph. The length of the bars is proportional to the relative frequencies of the data falling into each cell and the width is the range of the cell. Data is variable measurements from a process.
Green Belt
Green Belt
An employee of an organization who has been trained on the improvement methodology of Six Sigma and will lead a process improvement or quality improvement team as *part* of their full time job. Their degree of knowledge and skills associated with Six Sigma is less than that of a Black Belt or Master Black Belt. Extensive product knowledge in their company is a must in their task of process improvement.
The green belt employee plays an important role in executing the Six Sigma process at an organization level.
An employee of an organization who has been trained on the improvement methodology of Six Sigma and will lead a process improvement or quality improvement team as *part* of their full time job. Their degree of knowledge and skills associated with Six Sigma is less than that of a Black Belt or Master Black Belt. Extensive product knowledge in their company is a must in their task of process improvement.
The green belt employee plays an important role in executing the Six Sigma process at an organization level.
1. A goal is a targeted value by a design team while building a quality process/product.
2. A goal can also be defined as a customer voice. What the customer is asking for or specifying.
The goal must be SMART: See S.M.A.R.T. in this dictionary.
A Goal is a targeted result of a process (design or currently running). In a service Industry, the goal can be satisfaction of the Customer. In layman language, the goal has to be achieved by doing an assignment, job, errand, etc. For example, achieving complimentry satisfaction from people eating food you have cooked. That is your goal.
1. A goal is a targeted value by a design team while building a quality process/product.
2. A goal can also be defined as a customer voice. What the customer is asking for or specifying.
The goal must be SMART: See S.M.A.R.T. in this dictionary.
A Goal is a targeted result of a process (design or currently running). In a service Industry, the goal can be satisfaction of the Customer. In layman language, the goal has to be achieved by doing an assignment, job, errand, etc. For example, achieving complimentry satisfaction from people eating food you have cooked. That is your goal.
Social, economical, environmetal and technological perspectives to the many cultures that exist in the world.
Social, economical, environmetal and technological perspectives to the many cultures that exist in the world.
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
A procedure and tools that help to identify every possible failure mode of a process or product, to determine its effect on other sub-items and on the required function of the product or process. The FMEA is also used to rank & prioritize the possible causes of failures as well as develop and implement preventative actions, with responsible persons assigned to carry out these actions.
Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) is a disciplined approach used to identify possible failures of a product or service and then determine the frequency and impact of the failure.
A procedure and tools that help to identify every possible failure mode of a process or product, to determine its effect on other sub-items and on the required function of the product or process. The FMEA is also used to rank & prioritize the possible causes of failures as well as develop and implement preventative actions, with responsible persons assigned to carry out these actions.
Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) is a disciplined approach used to identify possible failures of a product or service and then determine the frequency and impact of the failure.
First Time Yield - FTY
First Time Yield - FTY
First Time Yield (FTY) is simply the number of good units produced divided by the number of total units going into the process. For example:
You have a process of that is divided into four sub-processes - A, B, C and D. Assume that you have 100 units entering process A. To calculate FTY you would:
1. Calculate the yield (number out of step/number into step) of each step. 2. Multiply these together.
For Example:
100 units enter A and 90 leave. The FTY for process A is 90/100 = .9
90 units go into B and 80 units leave. The FTY for process B is 80/90 = .89
80 units go into C and 75 leave. The FTY for C is 75/80 = .94
75 units got into D and 70 leave. The FTY for D is 70/75 = .93
The total process yield is equal to FTYofA * FTYofB * FTYofC * FTYofD or .9*.89*.94*.93 = .70.
You can also get the total process yield for the entire process by simply dividing the number of good units produced by the number going in to the start of the process. In this case, 70/100 = .70 or 70 percent yield.
First Time Yield Or First "Pass" Yield Is A Tool For Mearsuring The Amount Of Rework In A Given Process. It Is An Excellent Cost Of Quality Metric.
First Time Yield (FTY) is simply the number of good units produced divided by the number of total units going into the process. For example:
You have a process of that is divided into four sub-processes - A, B, C and D. Assume that you have 100 units entering process A. To calculate FTY you would:
1. Calculate the yield (number out of step/number into step) of each step. 2. Multiply these together.
For Example:
100 units enter A and 90 leave. The FTY for process A is 90/100 = .9
90 units go into B and 80 units leave. The FTY for process B is 80/90 = .89
80 units go into C and 75 leave. The FTY for C is 75/80 = .94
75 units got into D and 70 leave. The FTY for D is 70/75 = .93
The total process yield is equal to FTYofA * FTYofB * FTYofC * FTYofD or .9*.89*.94*.93 = .70.
You can also get the total process yield for the entire process by simply dividing the number of good units produced by the number going in to the start of the process. In this case, 70/100 = .70 or 70 percent yield.
First Time Yield Or First "Pass" Yield Is A Tool For Mearsuring The Amount Of Rework In A Given Process. It Is An Excellent Cost Of Quality Metric.
First In, First Out. A method of inventory rotation to ensure that the oldest inventory (first in) is used first (first out).
First In, First Out. A method of inventory rotation to ensure that the oldest inventory (first in) is used first (first out).
An F-Chart is a chart that carries a significant amount of misleading information, rendering it unfit for the intended analysis. A good example of an F-Chart can be found in the boxplots output of the 2-Sample t-test, and One Way ANOVA in Minitab release 14. The presence of a line connecting the means of each subgroup serves no apparant purpose, and could potentially mislead the reader into thinking that a steep gradient indicates a significant difference. The "F" comes from the latin 'fuccant'.
An F-Chart is a chart that carries a significant amount of misleading information, rendering it unfit for the intended analysis. A good example of an F-Chart can be found in the boxplots output of the 2-Sample t-test, and One Way ANOVA in Minitab release 14. The presence of a line connecting the means of each subgroup serves no apparant purpose, and could potentially mislead the reader into thinking that a steep gradient indicates a significant difference. The "F" comes from the latin 'fuccant'.
Stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP refers to software packages that attempt to consolidate all the information flowing through the company from finance to human resources. ERP allows companies to standardize their data, streamline their analysis process, and manage long term business planning with greater ease.
Stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP refers to software packages that attempt to consolidate all the information flowing through the company from finance to human resources. ERP allows companies to standardize their data, streamline their analysis process, and manage long term business planning with greater ease.
A series of actions designed to give employees greater control over their working lives. Businesses give employees empowerment to motivate them according to the theories of Abraham Maslow and Fredrick Herzberg.
To invest with power or give authority to complete. To empower employees.
Being allowed to make decisions and take actions on your own, apart from management.
A contract that involves the delegation of authority and commitment to an individual to act or authorize actions to be taken, in exchange for the acceptance of responsibility and accountability to fulfill a defined objective. Used to increase an organizations responsiveness, effectiveness and efficiency without increasing the budget.
A series of actions designed to give employees greater control over their working lives. Businesses give employees empowerment to motivate them according to the theories of Abraham Maslow and Fredrick Herzberg.
To invest with power or give authority to complete. To empower employees.
Being allowed to make decisions and take actions on your own, apart from management.
A contract that involves the delegation of authority and commitment to an individual to act or authorize actions to be taken, in exchange for the acceptance of responsibility and accountability to fulfill a defined objective. Used to increase an organizations responsiveness, effectiveness and efficiency without increasing the budget.
A term denoting to the relationship between outputs and inputs. It requires generating higher outputs as related to inputs. It means enhancing productivity, i.e less rework, less errors and optimal use of resources.
A term indicating the optimization of productivity (measured outputs over measured inputs)typically stated on a 0-100% scale. To improve efficiency, the productivity ratio must be improved (the input to output ratio must be decreased). See definition of productivity.
A term denoting to the relationship between outputs and inputs. It requires generating higher outputs as related to inputs. It means enhancing productivity, i.e less rework, less errors and optimal use of resources.
A term indicating the optimization of productivity (measured outputs over measured inputs)typically stated on a 0-100% scale. To improve efficiency, the productivity ratio must be improved (the input to output ratio must be decreased). See definition of productivity.
ef·fec·tive Pronunciation Key (-fktv)
Having an intended or expected effect.
Producing a strong impression or response; striking: gave an effective performance as Othello.
Operative; in effect: The law is effective immediately.
Existing in fact; actual: a decline in the effective demand.
Prepared for use or action, especially in warfare.
Bridging the gap between the society's purposes and the organizational and workers objectives in the organization.
Process output satisfying customer CTQ.
ef·fec·tive Pronunciation Key (-fktv)
Having an intended or expected effect.
Producing a strong impression or response; striking: gave an effective performance as Othello.
Operative; in effect: The law is effective immediately.
Existing in fact; actual: a decline in the effective demand.
Prepared for use or action, especially in warfare.
Bridging the gap between the society's purposes and the organizational and workers objectives in the organization.
Process output satisfying customer CTQ.
Engineering Change Request: A request or suggestion to Engineering for an improvement in a process or procedure.
Eficient Consumer Response: A term used to describe a way of doing business in the grocery industry that involves trading partners.
Engineering Change Request: A request or suggestion to Engineering for an improvement in a process or procedure.
Eficient Consumer Response: A term used to describe a way of doing business in the grocery industry that involves trading partners.
Engineer Change Order...
Engineering changes in procedures that will be implemented in a new revision of a procedure.
Engineer Change Order...
Engineering changes in procedures that will be implemented in a new revision of a procedure.
Design of Experiments - DOE
Design of Experiments - DOE
A Design of Experiment (DOE) is a structured, organized method for determining the relationship between factors (Xs) affecting a process and the output of that process (Y).
Other Definitions:
1 - Conducting and analyzing controlled tests to evaluate the factors that control the value of a parameter or group of parameters.
2- "Design of Experiments" (DoE) refers to experimental methods used to quantify indeterminate measurements of factors and interactions between factors statistically through observance of forced changes made methodically as directed by mathematically systematic tables.
See DOE for further information.
A Design of Experiment (DOE) is a structured, organized method for determining the relationship between factors (Xs) affecting a process and the output of that process (Y).
Other Definitions:
1 - Conducting and analyzing controlled tests to evaluate the factors that control the value of a parameter or group of parameters.
2- "Design of Experiments" (DoE) refers to experimental methods used to quantify indeterminate measurements of factors and interactions between factors statistically through observance of forced changes made methodically as directed by mathematically systematic tables.
See DOE for further information.
Design For Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA)
Design For Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA)
A methodology and tool set used to determine how to simpilify a current or future product design and/or manufacturing process to achieve cost savings. DFMA allows for improved supply chain cost management, product quality and manufacturing, and communication between Design, Manufacturing, Purchasing and Management.
A methodology and tool set used to determine how to simpilify a current or future product design and/or manufacturing process to achieve cost savings. DFMA allows for improved supply chain cost management, product quality and manufacturing, and communication between Design, Manufacturing, Purchasing and Management.
Deming Cycle, PDCA
Deming Cycle, PDCA
The Deming Cycle, or PDCA Cycle (also known as PDSA Cycle), is a continuous quality improvement model consisting out of a logical sequence of four repetitive steps for continuous improvement and learning: Plan, Do, Study (Check) and Act. The PDSA cycle (or PDCA) is also known as the Deming Cycle, the Deming wheel of continuous improvement spiral. Its origin can be traced back to the eminent statistics expert Mr. Walter A. Shewart, in the 1920’s. He introduced the concept of PLAN, DO and SEE. The late Total Quality Management (TQM) guru and renowned statistician Edward W. Deming modified the SHEWART cycle as: PLAN, DO, STUDY, and ACT.
Along with the other well-known American quality guru-J.M. Juran, Deming went to Japan as part of the occupation forces of the allies after World War II. Deming taught a lot of Quality Improvement methods to the Japanese, including the usage of statistics and the PLAN, DO, STUDY, ACT cycle.
The Deming cycle, or PDSA cycle:
PLAN: plan ahead for change. Analyze and predict the results.
DO: execute the plan, taking small steps in controlled circumstances.
STUDY: check, study the results.
ACT: take action to standardize or improve the process.
Benefits of the PDSA cycle:
- Daily routine management-for the individual and/or the team
- Problem-solving process
- Project management
- Continuous development
- Vendor development
- Human resources development
- New product development
- Process trials
The Deming Cycle, or PDCA Cycle (also known as PDSA Cycle), is a continuous quality improvement model consisting out of a logical sequence of four repetitive steps for continuous improvement and learning: Plan, Do, Study (Check) and Act. The PDSA cycle (or PDCA) is also known as the Deming Cycle, the Deming wheel of continuous improvement spiral. Its origin can be traced back to the eminent statistics expert Mr. Walter A. Shewart, in the 1920’s. He introduced the concept of PLAN, DO and SEE. The late Total Quality Management (TQM) guru and renowned statistician Edward W. Deming modified the SHEWART cycle as: PLAN, DO, STUDY, and ACT.
Along with the other well-known American quality guru-J.M. Juran, Deming went to Japan as part of the occupation forces of the allies after World War II. Deming taught a lot of Quality Improvement methods to the Japanese, including the usage of statistics and the PLAN, DO, STUDY, ACT cycle.
The Deming cycle, or PDSA cycle:
PLAN: plan ahead for change. Analyze and predict the results.
DO: execute the plan, taking small steps in controlled circumstances.
STUDY: check, study the results.
ACT: take action to standardize or improve the process.
Benefits of the PDSA cycle:
- Daily routine management-for the individual and/or the team
- Problem-solving process
- Project management
- Continuous development
- Vendor development
- Human resources development
- New product development
- Process trials
Defects Per Unit - DPU
Defects Per Unit - DPU
DPU or Defects Per Unit is the average number of defects observed when sampling a population.
DPU = Total # of Defects / Total population
Consider 100 electronic assemblies going through a functional test. If 10 of these fail the first time around, we have a first pass yield of 90%. Let's say the 10 fails get reworked and re-tested and 5 pass the second time around; the 5 remaining fails pass on the third attempt. Feel free to work out how this would look as a rolling yield. (100 'passes'/115 tests).
DPU takes a fundamentally different approach to the traditional measurement of yield. It is simply a ratio of the number of defects over the number of units tested (don't worry about how many tests or how many opportunities for defects).
In the above example, the DPU is 15/100 or 0.15. There are 100 units which were found to have a cumulative total of 15 defects when tested.
One interesting feature of DPU is that if you have sequential test nodes, i.e. if the above 100 units had to go through 'Final Test' and threw up a DPU figure of 0.1 there, you simply add the DPU figures from both nodes to get the overall DPU of 0.25 (this is telling you that there were 25 defects in your 100 units). There are a few assumptions which must be realised for this statement to be wholly accurate, but there isn't really time to go there in a 'definition' space.
If out of the 100 loans applications there are 30 defects, the FTT yield is .70 or 70 percent. Further investigation finds that 10 of the 70 had to be reworked to achieve that yield so our Rolled Throughput Yield is 100-(30+10)/100 = .6 or 60 percent yield.
To consider the defects per unit in this process we divide the number of defects by the result of multiplying the sample by the number of opportunities in each item.
No.of defects/(no. of units)*(no. of opportunities for a defect)= 30/100*3 = 30/300 = .1 or we would say that there is a 10 percent chance for a defect to occur in this process.
DPU or Defects Per Unit is the average number of defects observed when sampling a population.
DPU = Total # of Defects / Total population
Consider 100 electronic assemblies going through a functional test. If 10 of these fail the first time around, we have a first pass yield of 90%. Let's say the 10 fails get reworked and re-tested and 5 pass the second time around; the 5 remaining fails pass on the third attempt. Feel free to work out how this would look as a rolling yield. (100 'passes'/115 tests).
DPU takes a fundamentally different approach to the traditional measurement of yield. It is simply a ratio of the number of defects over the number of units tested (don't worry about how many tests or how many opportunities for defects).
In the above example, the DPU is 15/100 or 0.15. There are 100 units which were found to have a cumulative total of 15 defects when tested.
One interesting feature of DPU is that if you have sequential test nodes, i.e. if the above 100 units had to go through 'Final Test' and threw up a DPU figure of 0.1 there, you simply add the DPU figures from both nodes to get the overall DPU of 0.25 (this is telling you that there were 25 defects in your 100 units). There are a few assumptions which must be realised for this statement to be wholly accurate, but there isn't really time to go there in a 'definition' space.
If out of the 100 loans applications there are 30 defects, the FTT yield is .70 or 70 percent. Further investigation finds that 10 of the 70 had to be reworked to achieve that yield so our Rolled Throughput Yield is 100-(30+10)/100 = .6 or 60 percent yield.
To consider the defects per unit in this process we divide the number of defects by the result of multiplying the sample by the number of opportunities in each item.
No.of defects/(no. of units)*(no. of opportunities for a defect)= 30/100*3 = 30/300 = .1 or we would say that there is a 10 percent chance for a defect to occur in this process.
Defects Per Million Opportunities - DPMO
Defects Per Million Opportunities - DPMO
Defects per million opportunities (DPMO) is the average number of defects per unit observed during an average production run divided by the number of opportunities to make a defect on the product under study during that run normalized to one million.
Defects Per Million Opportunities. Synonymous with PPM.
To convert DPU to DPMO, the calculation step is actually DPU/(opportunities/unit) * 1,000,000.
Defects per million opportunities (DPMO) is the average number of defects per unit observed during an average production run divided by the number of opportunities to make a defect on the product under study during that run normalized to one million.
Defects Per Million Opportunities. Synonymous with PPM.
To convert DPU to DPMO, the calculation step is actually DPU/(opportunities/unit) * 1,000,000.
The word defective describes an entire unit that fails to meet acceptance criteria, regardless of the number of defects within the unit. A unit may be defective because of one or more defects.
The word defective describes an entire unit that fails to meet acceptance criteria, regardless of the number of defects within the unit. A unit may be defective because of one or more defects.
Any type of undesired result is a defect.
A failure to meet one of the acceptance criteria of your customers. A defective unit may have one or more defects.
'A defect is a failure to conform to requirements' (Crosby, 'Quality Is Free'), whether or not those requirements have been articulated or specified.
The non-conformance to intended usage requirement.
Any type of undesired result is a defect.
A failure to meet one of the acceptance criteria of your customers. A defective unit may have one or more defects.
'A defect is a failure to conform to requirements' (Crosby, 'Quality Is Free'), whether or not those requirements have been articulated or specified.
The non-conformance to intended usage requirement.
Cycle Time
Cycle Time
Cycle time is the total time from the beginning to the end of your process, as defined by you and your customer. Cycle time includes process time, during which a unit is acted upon to bring it closer to an output, and delay time, during which a unit of work is spent waiting to take the next action.
In a nutshell - Cycle Time is the total elapsed time to move a unit of work from the beginning to the end of a physical process. (Note, Cycle Time is not the same as Lead Time).
Cycle time is the total time from the beginning to the end of your process, as defined by you and your customer. Cycle time includes process time, during which a unit is acted upon to bring it closer to an output, and delay time, during which a unit of work is spent waiting to take the next action.
In a nutshell - Cycle Time is the total elapsed time to move a unit of work from the beginning to the end of a physical process. (Note, Cycle Time is not the same as Lead Time).
Customer Requirements
Customer Requirements
The wants or voice-of-customer in Stated or ImpliedTerms.
Most of the times the customer is enabled to state the requirements precisely. (Like please bring me a glass of luke warm water to drink). However customer may not always be able to precisely state or equipped to realize the basic attributes of his requirements. It is therefore the responsibility of the supplier to reconsider the attributes of desired/ supplied product in terms of the 'implied or real' requirements. For example the hygiene of the environment in which food is cooked in a resturant.
The wants or voice-of-customer in Stated or ImpliedTerms.
Most of the times the customer is enabled to state the requirements precisely. (Like please bring me a glass of luke warm water to drink). However customer may not always be able to precisely state or equipped to realize the basic attributes of his requirements. It is therefore the responsibility of the supplier to reconsider the attributes of desired/ supplied product in terms of the 'implied or real' requirements. For example the hygiene of the environment in which food is cooked in a resturant.
Process Capability index ('equivalent') taking account of off-centredness: effectively the Cp for a centered process producing a similar level of defects - the ratio between permissible deviation, measured from the mean value to the nearest specific limit of acceptability, and the actual one-sided 3 x sigma spread of the process. As a formula, Cpk = either (USL-Mean)/(3 x sigma) or (Mean-LSL)/(3 x sigma) whichever is the smaller (i.e. depending on whether the shift is up or down). Note this ignores the vanishingly small probability of defects at the opposite end of the tolerance range. Cpk of at least 1.33 is desired.
Capability analysis indice.
Process Capability index ('equivalent') taking account of off-centredness: effectively the Cp for a centered process producing a similar level of defects - the ratio between permissible deviation, measured from the mean value to the nearest specific limit of acceptability, and the actual one-sided 3 x sigma spread of the process. As a formula, Cpk = either (USL-Mean)/(3 x sigma) or (Mean-LSL)/(3 x sigma) whichever is the smaller (i.e. depending on whether the shift is up or down). Note this ignores the vanishingly small probability of defects at the opposite end of the tolerance range. Cpk of at least 1.33 is desired.
Capability analysis indice.
Process Capability index: a measure of the ability of a process to produce consistent results - the ratio between the permissible spread and the actual spread of a process. Permissible spread is the difference between the upper and lower specific limits of acceptibility (a.k.a. total tolerance); actual spread is defined, arbitrarily, as the difference between upper and lower 3 x sigma deviations from the mean value (representing 99.7% of the normal distribution). As a formula, Cp = (USL-LSL)/(6 x sigma). Note this takes no account of how well the output is centered on the target (nominal) value. For that see Cpk.
You can think of the process capability index Cp in 3 ways:
1. Cp measures the capability of a process to meet its specification limits. It is the ratio between the required and actual variability.
2. More mathematically, the Cp is the ratio of the Spec difference (upper - lower) divided by 6-sigma, which is the spread of a normal curve. Minitab gives the following explanation: 'Capability statistics are basically a ratio between the allowable process spread (the width of the specification limits) and the actual process spread (6s)'
3. Graphically, think of positioning a normal curve centered between the specs. Now look at the tail areas that exceeds the specs. The smaller the area, the larger the Cp. In this sense it is equivalent to looking at the popular PPM measure (parts-per-million) which gives the area of the normal curve that exceeds the specs.
Process Capability index: a measure of the ability of a process to produce consistent results - the ratio between the permissible spread and the actual spread of a process. Permissible spread is the difference between the upper and lower specific limits of acceptibility (a.k.a. total tolerance); actual spread is defined, arbitrarily, as the difference between upper and lower 3 x sigma deviations from the mean value (representing 99.7% of the normal distribution). As a formula, Cp = (USL-LSL)/(6 x sigma). Note this takes no account of how well the output is centered on the target (nominal) value. For that see Cpk.
You can think of the process capability index Cp in 3 ways:
1. Cp measures the capability of a process to meet its specification limits. It is the ratio between the required and actual variability.
2. More mathematically, the Cp is the ratio of the Spec difference (upper - lower) divided by 6-sigma, which is the spread of a normal curve. Minitab gives the following explanation: 'Capability statistics are basically a ratio between the allowable process spread (the width of the specification limits) and the actual process spread (6s)'
3. Graphically, think of positioning a normal curve centered between the specs. Now look at the tail areas that exceeds the specs. The smaller the area, the larger the Cp. In this sense it is equivalent to looking at the popular PPM measure (parts-per-million) which gives the area of the normal curve that exceeds the specs.
Correction versus Corrective Action
Correction versus Corrective Action
Correction is taken to rectify a known nonconformance; Corrective Action is taken to prevent recurrence of said nonconformance.
Correction is taken to rectify a known nonconformance; Corrective Action is taken to prevent recurrence of said nonconformance.
Control Chart
Control Chart
A graphical tool for monitoring changes that occur within a process, by distinguishing variation that is inherent in the process(common cause) from variation that yield a change to the process(special cause). This change may be a single point or a series of points in time - each is a signal that something is different from what was previously observed and measured.
A graphical tool for monitoring changes that occur within a process, by distinguishing variation that is inherent in the process(common cause) from variation that yield a change to the process(special cause). This change may be a single point or a series of points in time - each is a signal that something is different from what was previously observed and measured.
Coefficient of Variation
Coefficient of Variation
Coefficient of variation is defined as the relative measure of dispersion it relates the mean and standard deviation by expressing the Std deviation as a % of mean. The benefit of standard deviation is a absolute measure which explains the dispersion in the same unit as original data.
Coefficient of variation is defined as the relative measure of dispersion it relates the mean and standard deviation by expressing the Std deviation as a % of mean. The benefit of standard deviation is a absolute measure which explains the dispersion in the same unit as original data.
The Capability Maturity Model for Software (also known as the CMM and SW-CMM) has been a model used by many organizations to identify best practices useful in helping them increase the maturity of their processes.
Also: Co-ordinate Measuring Machine is a CNC measuring machine capable of performing Reverse engineering and Dimentional inspection of Critical components.
The Capability Maturity Model for Software (also known as the CMM and SW-CMM) has been a model used by many organizations to identify best practices useful in helping them increase the maturity of their processes.
Also: Co-ordinate Measuring Machine is a CNC measuring machine capable of performing Reverse engineering and Dimentional inspection of Critical components.
Capability Analysis
Capability Analysis
Capability analysis is a graphical or statistical tool that visually or mathematically compares actual process performance to the performance standards established by the customer.
To analyze (plot or calculate) capability you need the mean and standard deviation associated with the required attribute in a sample of product (usually n=30), and customer requirements associated with that product.
See the tool Capability Analysis.
Capability analysis is a graphical or statistical tool that visually or mathematically compares actual process performance to the performance standards established by the customer.
To analyze (plot or calculate) capability you need the mean and standard deviation associated with the required attribute in a sample of product (usually n=30), and customer requirements associated with that product.
See the tool Capability Analysis.
Acronym for Corrective and Preventive Action.
Corrective action:
Action taken to eliminate the cause of the existing non-conformity to prevent its recurrence.
Preventive action:
Action taken to eliminate the cause of potential non-conformity.
Both of these are prevention oriented.
The quick fix type actions are called as corrections
Acronym for Corrective and Preventive Action.
Corrective action:
Action taken to eliminate the cause of the existing non-conformity to prevent its recurrence.
Preventive action:
Action taken to eliminate the cause of potential non-conformity.
Both of these are prevention oriented.
The quick fix type actions are called as corrections
Calibration is simply the comparison of instrument performance to a standard of known accuracy. It may simply involve this determination of deviation from nominal or include correction (adjustment) to minimize the errors. Properly calibrated equipment provides confidence that your products/services meet their specifications. Calibration:
increases production yields,
optimizes resources,
assures consistency and
ensures measurements (and perhaps products) are compatible with those made elsewhere.
Calibration is simply the comparison of instrument performance to a standard of known accuracy. It may simply involve this determination of deviation from nominal or include correction (adjustment) to minimize the errors. Properly calibrated equipment provides confidence that your products/services meet their specifications. Calibration:
increases production yields,
optimizes resources,
assures consistency and
ensures measurements (and perhaps products) are compatible with those made elsewhere.
Business Process Quality Management
Business Process Quality Management
Also called Process Management or Reengineering. The concept of defining macro and micro processes, assigning ownership, and creating responsibilities of the owners.
Also called Process Management or Reengineering. The concept of defining macro and micro processes, assigning ownership, and creating responsibilities of the owners.
Bias in a sample is the presence or influence of any factor that causes the population or process being sampled to appear different from what it actually is. Bias is introduced into a sample when data is collected without regard to key factors that may influence it. A one line description of bias might be: "It is the difference between the observed mean reading and reference value."
Bias in a sample is the presence or influence of any factor that causes the population or process being sampled to appear different from what it actually is. Bias is introduced into a sample when data is collected without regard to key factors that may influence it. A one line description of bias might be: "It is the difference between the observed mean reading and reference value."
The concept of discovering what is the best performance being achieved, whether in your company, by a competitor, or by an entirely different industry.
Benchmarking is an improvement tool whereby a company measures its performance or process against other companies' best practices, determines how those companies achieved their performance levels, and uses the information to improve its own performance.
Benchmarking is a continuous process whereby an enterprise measures and compares all its functions, systems and practices against strong competitors, identifying quality gaps in the organization, and striving to achieve competitive advantage locally and globally.
The concept of discovering what is the best performance being achieved, whether in your company, by a competitor, or by an entirely different industry.
Benchmarking is an improvement tool whereby a company measures its performance or process against other companies' best practices, determines how those companies achieved their performance levels, and uses the information to improve its own performance.
Benchmarking is a continuous process whereby an enterprise measures and compares all its functions, systems and practices against strong competitors, identifying quality gaps in the organization, and striving to achieve competitive advantage locally and globally.
A timely process or system, inspection to ensure that specifications conform to documented quality standards. An Audit also brings out discrepencies between the documented standards and the standards followed and also might show how well or how badly the documented standards support the processes currently followed.
Corrective, Preventive & Improvement Actions should be undertaken to mitigate the gap(s) between what is said (documented), what is done and what is required to comply with the appropriate quality standard. Audit is not only be used in accounting or something that relates to mathematics but also used in Information Technology.
A timely process or system, inspection to ensure that specifications conform to documented quality standards. An Audit also brings out discrepencies between the documented standards and the standards followed and also might show how well or how badly the documented standards support the processes currently followed.
Corrective, Preventive & Improvement Actions should be undertaken to mitigate the gap(s) between what is said (documented), what is done and what is required to comply with the appropriate quality standard. Audit is not only be used in accounting or something that relates to mathematics but also used in Information Technology.
Advanced Product Quality Planning
Phase 1 -
Plan & Define Programme - determining customer needs, requirements & expectations using tools such as QFD
review the entire quality planning process to enable the implementation of a quality programme how to define & set the inputs & the outputs.
Phase 2 -
Product Design & Development - review the inputs & execute the outputs, which include FMEA, DFMA, design verification, design reviews, material & engineering specifications.
Phase 3 -
Process Design & Development - addressing features for developing manufacturing systems & related control plans, these tasks are dependent on the successful completion of phases 1 & 2 execute the outputs.
Phase 4 -
Product & Process Validation - validation of the selected manufacturing process & its control mechanisms through production run evaluation outlining mandatory production conditions & requirements identifying the required outputs.
Phase 5 -
Launch, Feedback, Assessment & Corrective Action - focuses on reduced variation & continuous improvement identifying outputs & links to customer expectations & future product programmes.
Control Plan Methodology -
discusses use of control plan & relevant data required to construct & determine control plan parameters
stresses the importance of the control plan in the continuous improvement cycle.
Advanced Product Quality Planning
Phase 1 -
Plan & Define Programme - determining customer needs, requirements & expectations using tools such as QFD
review the entire quality planning process to enable the implementation of a quality programme how to define & set the inputs & the outputs.
Phase 2 -
Product Design & Development - review the inputs & execute the outputs, which include FMEA, DFMA, design verification, design reviews, material & engineering specifications.
Phase 3 -
Process Design & Development - addressing features for developing manufacturing systems & related control plans, these tasks are dependent on the successful completion of phases 1 & 2 execute the outputs.
Phase 4 -
Product & Process Validation - validation of the selected manufacturing process & its control mechanisms through production run evaluation outlining mandatory production conditions & requirements identifying the required outputs.
Phase 5 -
Launch, Feedback, Assessment & Corrective Action - focuses on reduced variation & continuous improvement identifying outputs & links to customer expectations & future product programmes.
Control Plan Methodology -
discusses use of control plan & relevant data required to construct & determine control plan parameters
stresses the importance of the control plan in the continuous improvement cycle.
Acceptable Quality Level - AQL
Acceptable Quality Level - AQL
Acceptable Quality Level. Also referred to as Assured Quality Level. The largest quantity of defectives in a certain sample size that can make the lot definitely acceptable; Customer will definitely prefer the zero defect products or services and will ultimately establish the acceptable level of quality. Competition however, will 'educate' the customer and establish the customer's values. There is only one ideal acceptable quality level - zero defects - all others are compromises based upon acceptable business, financial and safety levels.
Acceptable Quality Level. Also referred to as Assured Quality Level. The largest quantity of defectives in a certain sample size that can make the lot definitely acceptable; Customer will definitely prefer the zero defect products or services and will ultimately establish the acceptable level of quality. Competition however, will 'educate' the customer and establish the customer's values. There is only one ideal acceptable quality level - zero defects - all others are compromises based upon acceptable business, financial and safety levels.
7 QC Tools
7 QC Tools
Cause and Effect Diagram
Check Sheets
Pareto Diagrams
Control Charts
Scatter Diagrams
These are 7 QC tools also known as ISHIKAWAS 7QC tools which revolutionised the Japane & the World in Sixties & Seventies
Cause and Effect Diagram
Check Sheets
Pareto Diagrams
Control Charts
Scatter Diagrams
These are 7 QC tools also known as ISHIKAWAS 7QC tools which revolutionised the Japane & the World in Sixties & Seventies
5 Why's
The 5 why's typically refers to the practice of asking, five times, why the failure has occurred in order to get to the root cause/causes of the problem. There can be more than one cause to a problem as well. In an organizational context, generally root cause analysis is carried out by a team of persons related to the problem. No special technique is required.
An example is in order:
You are on your way home from work and your car stops:
Why did your car stop? Because it ran out of gas.
Why did it run out of gas? Because I didn't buy any gas on my way to work.
Why didn't you buy any gas this morning? Because I didn't have any money.
Why didn't you have any money? Because I lost it all last night in a poker game.
I hope you don't mind the silly example but it should illustrate the importance of digging down beneath the most proximate cause of the problem. Failure to determine the root cause assures that you will be treating the symptoms of the problem instead of its cause, in which case, the disease will return, that is, you will continue to have the same problems over and over again.
Also note that the actual numbers of why's is not important as long as you get to the root cause. One might well ask why did you lose all your money in the poker game last night?
Here's another example. I learned the example using the Washington Monument used when demonstrating the use of the 5 Whys.
The Washington Monument was disintegrating
Why? Use of harsh chemicals
Why? To clean pigeon poop
Why so many pigeons? They eat spiders and there are a lot of spiders at monument
Why so many spiders? They eat gnats and lots of gnats at monument
Why so many gnats? They are attracted to the light at dusk.
Solution: Turn on the lights at a later time.
An example is in order:
You are on your way home from work and your car stops:
Why did your car stop? Because it ran out of gas.
Why did it run out of gas? Because I didn't buy any gas on my way to work.
Why didn't you buy any gas this morning? Because I didn't have any money.
Why didn't you have any money? Because I lost it all last night in a poker game.
I hope you don't mind the silly example but it should illustrate the importance of digging down beneath the most proximate cause of the problem. Failure to determine the root cause assures that you will be treating the symptoms of the problem instead of its cause, in which case, the disease will return, that is, you will continue to have the same problems over and over again.
Also note that the actual numbers of why's is not important as long as you get to the root cause. One might well ask why did you lose all your money in the poker game last night?
Here's another example. I learned the example using the Washington Monument used when demonstrating the use of the 5 Whys.
The Washington Monument was disintegrating
Why? Use of harsh chemicals
Why? To clean pigeon poop
Why so many pigeons? They eat spiders and there are a lot of spiders at monument
Why so many spiders? They eat gnats and lots of gnats at monument
Why so many gnats? They are attracted to the light at dusk.
Solution: Turn on the lights at a later time.
5S is the Japanese concept for House Keeping.
1.) Sort (Seiri)
2.) Straighten (Seiton)
3.) Shine (Seiso)
4.) Standardize (Seiketsu)
5.) Sustain (Shitsuke)
I think the concept of 5S has been twisted and its real meaning and intention has been lost due to attempts to keep each element in English word to start with letter 'S', like the real Nippongo words (seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke). Well, whoever deviced those equivalent English words did a good job,they're close, but the real interpretation is not exactly the correct one. For the benefit of the readers who would like to develop and establish their own understanding and applications, the following are the real meaning of each element in English:
Japanese - English Translations
-------- --------------------
Seiri - Put things in order
(remove what is not needed and keep what is needed)
Seiton - Proper Arrangement
(Place things in such a way that they can be easily reached whenever they are needed)
Seiso - Clean
(Keep things clean and polished; no trash or dirt in the workplace)
Seiketsu - Purity
(Maintain cleanliness after cleaning - perpetual cleaning)
Shitsuke - Commitment (Actually this is not a part of '4S', but a typical teaching and attitude towards any undertaking to inspire pride and adherence to standards established for the four components)
5S is the Japanese concept for House Keeping.
1.) Sort (Seiri)
2.) Straighten (Seiton)
3.) Shine (Seiso)
4.) Standardize (Seiketsu)
5.) Sustain (Shitsuke)
I think the concept of 5S has been twisted and its real meaning and intention has been lost due to attempts to keep each element in English word to start with letter 'S', like the real Nippongo words (seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke). Well, whoever deviced those equivalent English words did a good job,they're close, but the real interpretation is not exactly the correct one. For the benefit of the readers who would like to develop and establish their own understanding and applications, the following are the real meaning of each element in English:
Japanese - English Translations
-------- --------------------
Seiri - Put things in order
(remove what is not needed and keep what is needed)
Seiton - Proper Arrangement
(Place things in such a way that they can be easily reached whenever they are needed)
Seiso - Clean
(Keep things clean and polished; no trash or dirt in the workplace)
Seiketsu - Purity
(Maintain cleanliness after cleaning - perpetual cleaning)
Shitsuke - Commitment (Actually this is not a part of '4S', but a typical teaching and attitude towards any undertaking to inspire pride and adherence to standards established for the four components)
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Surface-mount technology
Surface mount technology (SMT) is a method for constructing electronic circuits in which the components are mounted directly onto the surface of printed circuit boards (PCBs). Electronic devices so made are called surface-mount devices or SMDs. In the industry it has largely replaced the previous construction method of fitting components with wire leads into holes in the circuit board (also called through-hole technology).
An SMT component is usually smaller than its leaded counterpart because it has no leads or smaller leads. It may have short pins or leads of various styles, flat contacts, a matrix of balls (BGAs), or terminations on the body of the component (passives).
1 History
2 Assembly techniques
3 Main advantages
4 Main disadvantages
5 Reworking defective surface mount components
6 Package sizes
7 Manufacturers
8 See also
9 External links
Surface-mount technology was developed in the 1960s and became widely used in the late 1980s. Much of the pioneering work in this technology was done at IBM. Components were mechanically redesigned to have small metal tabs or end caps that could be directly soldered to the surface of the PCB. Components became much smaller and component placement on both sides of the board became far more common with surface-mounting than through-hole mounting, allowing much higher circuit densities. Often, only the solder joints hold the parts to the board, although parts on the bottom or "second" side of the board are temporarily secured with a dot of adhesive as well. Surface-mounted devices (SMDs) are usually made physically small and lightweight for this reason. Surface mounting lends itself well to a high degree of automation, reducing labor cost and greatly increasing production rates. SMDs can be one-quarter to one-tenth the size and weight, and one-half to one-quarter the cost of through-hole parts.
Assembly techniques
Where components are to be placed, the printed circuit board has flat, usually tin-lead, silver or gold plated copper pads without holes, called solder pads. Solder paste, a sticky mixture of flux and tiny solder particles, is first applied to all the solder pads with a stainless steel stencil. If components are to be mounted on the second side, a numerically controlled (NC) machine places small liquid adhesive dots at the locations of all second-side components. The boards then proceed to the pick-and-place machines, where they are placed on a conveyor belt. Small SMDs are usually delivered to the production line on paper or plastic tapes wound on reels. Integrated circuits are typically delivered stacked in static-free plastic tubes or trays. NC pick-and-place machines remove the parts from the reels or tubes and place them on the PCB. Second-side components are placed first, and the adhesive dots are quickly cured with application of low heat or ultraviolet radiation. The boards are flipped over and first-side components are placed by additional NC machines.
The boards are then conveyed into the reflow soldering oven. They first enter a pre-heat zone, where the temperature of the board and all the components is gradually, uniformly raised. This helps minimize thermal stresses when the assemblies cool down after soldering. The boards then enter a zone where the temperature is high enough to melt the solder particles in the solder paste, bonding the component leads to the pads on the circuit board. The surface tension of the molten solder helps keep the components in place, and if the solder pad geometries are correctly designed, surface tension automatically aligns the components on their pads. There are a number of techniques for reflowing solder. One is to use infrared lamps; this is called infrared reflow. Another is to use a hot gas. At one time special fluorocarbon liquids with high boiling points were used, a method called vapor phase reflow. Due to environmental concerns, this method is falling out of favor. Today, it is more common to use nitrogen gas or nitrogen gas enriched air in a convection oven. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. With infrared reflow, the board designer must lay the board out so that short components don't fall into the shadows of tall components. Component location is less restricted if the designer knows that vapor phase reflow or convection soldering will be used in production. Following reflow soldering, certain irregular or heat-sensitive components may be installed and soldered by hand, or in large scale automation, by focused infrared beam (FIB) equipment.
After soldering, the boards are washed to remove flux residue and any stray solder balls that could short out closely spaced component leads. Rosin flux is removed with fluorocarbon solvents, high flash point hydrocarbon solvents, or limonene, derived from orange peels. Water soluble fluxes are removed with deionized water and detergent, followed by an air blast to quickly remove residual water. When aesthetics are unimportant and the flux doesn't cause shorting or corrosion, flux residues are sometimes left on the boards, saving the cost of cleaning and eliminating the waste disposal.
Finally, the boards are visually inspected for missing or misaligned components and solder bridging. If needed, they are sent to a rework station where a human operator corrects any errors. They are then sent to the testing stations to verify that they work correctly.
Main advantages
The main advantages of SMT over the older through-hole technique are:
smaller, lighter components
fewer holes need to be drilled through abrasive boards
simpler automated assembly
small errors in component placement are corrected automatically (the surface tension of the molten solder pulls the component into alignment with the solder pads)
components can be fitted to both sides of the circuit board
lower lead resistance and inductance (leading to better performance for high frequency parts)
better mechanical performance under shake and vibration conditions.
SMT parts generally cost less than through-hole parts
Main disadvantages
The one major disadvantage of SMT is the difficulty in manual handling due to the very small sizes and lead spacings of SMDs, making component-level repair of devices using it extremely difficult, and often uneconomical.
Reworking defective surface mount components
Defective surface mount components can be repaired by using a rework system. A rework process usually undoes some type of error, either human or machine-generated, and includes the following steps:
Melt solder and component removal
Residual solder removal
Printing of solder paste on PCB, direct component printing or dispensing
Placement and reflow of new component
Sometimes hundreds or thousands of the same part need to be repaired. Such errors, if due to assembly, are often caught during the process. But a whole new level of rework arises when: component failure is discovered too late, design defects go unnoticed until the end user experiences them, high-value products require revisions re-engineering change orders can revive a once-obsolete product, or firmware updates require the change of only a single die to reuse a product. These tasks require a rework operation specifically designed to repair/replace components in volume.
Package sizes
This article or section needs additional references or sources to improve its verifiability.
It may be using the words or ideas of other publications in its text, without citing the source(s) of the information.
Please help improve this article by introducing appropriate citations. This article has been tagged since January 2007. (help)
MLP package 28-pin chip
32-pin MQFP chip being manually soldered for prototyping purposes
Various SMD chips, desoldered
SMD capacitors (left side), along with two through-hole capacitors (right side)Surface-mount components are usually much smaller than their leaded counterparts, and are designed to be handled by machines rather than by humans. The electronics industry has defined a collection of standard package shapes and sizes (the leading standardisation body is JEDEC). These include:
Two terminals packages
Rectangular passive components (mostly resistors and capacitors):
01005 - 0.016" × 0.008" (0.4 mm × 0.2 mm)
0201 - 0.024" × 0.012" (0.6 mm × 0.3 mm)
0402 - 0.04" × 0.02" (1.0 mm × 0.5 mm)
0603 - 0.063" × 0.031" (1.6 mm × 0.8 mm)
0805 - 0.08" × 0.05" (2.0 mm × 1.25 mm)
1206 - 0.126" × 0.063" (3.2 mm × 1.6 mm)
1812 - 0.18" × 0.12" (4.6 mm × 3.0 mm)
2512 - 0.25" × 0.12" (6.3 mm × 3.0 mm)
Tantalum capacitors:
Size A (EIA 3216-18): 3.2 mm × 1.6 mm × 1.6 mm
Size B (EIA 3528-21): 3.5 mm × 2.8 mm × 1.9 mm
Size C (EIA 6032-28): 6.0 mm × 3.2 mm × 2.2 mm
Size D (EIA 7343-31): 7.3 mm × 4.3 mm × 2.4 mm
Size E (EIA 7343-43): 7.3 mm × 4.3 mm × 4.1 mm
SOD - Small outline diode [1]
SOD-323: 1.7 × 1.25 × 0.95 mm
SOD-123: 3.68 × 1.17 × 1.60 mm
SOD-80C: 3.50mm × 1.50mm × More info [2]
MELF—Metal ELectrical Face - (mostly resistors and diodes): Barrel shaped components, dimensions do not match those of rectangular references for identical codes.
Size 0201: L:2.2mm D:1.1mm (solder pad fits rectangular 0805)
Size 0204: L:3.6mm D:1.4mm (solder pad fits rectangular 1206)
Size 0207: L:5.8mm D:2.2mm
Three terminals packages
SOT - small-outline transistor, with three terminals [3]
SOT-23 - 3 mm × 1.75 mm × 1.3 mm body - three terminals for a transistor, or up to eight terminals for an integrated circuit
SOT-223 - 6.7 mm × 3.7 mm × 1.8 mm body - four terminals, one of which is a large heat-transfer pad
DPAK (TO-252) - discrete packaging. Developed by Motorola to house higher powered devices. Comes in three- or five-terminal versions [4]
D2PAK (TO-263) - bigger than the DPAK; basically a surface mount equivalent of the TO220 through-hole package. Comes in 3, 5, 6, 7, or 8-terminal versions [5]
D3PAK (TO-268) - even larger than D2PAK [6]
Packages with four or more terminals (drawings of most of the following packages can be found on [7])
Small-Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC) - small-outline integrated circuit, dual-in-line, 8 or more pins, gull-wing lead form, pin spacing 1.27 mm
TSOP - thin small-outline package, thinner than SOIC with smaller pin spacing of 0.5 mm
SSOP - shrink small-outline package, pin spacing of 0.635 mm or in some cases 0.8mm
TSSOP - thin shrink small-outline package.
QSOP - quarter-size small-outline package, with pin spacing of 0.635 mm
VSOP - even smaller than QSOP; 0.4, 0.5 mm or 0.65 mm pin spacing
PLCC - plastic leaded chip carrier, square, J-lead, pin spacing 1.27 mm
QFP - Quad Flat Package, various sizes, with pins on all four sides
LQFP - Low-profile Quad Flat Package, 1.4 mm high, varying sized and pins on all four sides
PQFP - plastic quad flat-pack, a square with pins on all four sides, 44 or more pins
CQFP - ceramic quad flat-pack, similar to PQFP
MQFP - Metric Quad Flat Pack, a QFP package with metric pin distribution
TQFP - thin quad flat pack, a thinner version of PQFP
QFN - quad flat pack, no-leads, smaller footprint than leaded equivalent
MLP - Leadframe package with a 0.5 mm contact pitch, no leads [8]
PQFN - power quad flat-pack, no-leads, with exposed die-pad[s] for heatsinking
Grid arrays
BGA - ball grid array, with a square or rectangular array of solder balls on one surface, ball spacing typically 1.27 mm
LFBGA - low profile fine pitch ball grid array, with a square or rectangular array of solder balls on one surface, ball spacing typically 0.8 mm
CGA - column grid array, circuit package in which the input and output points are high temperature solder cylinders or columns arranged in a grid pattern.
CCGA - ceramic column grid array, circuit package in which the input and output points are high temperature solder cylinders or columns arranged in a grid pattern. The body of the component is ceramic.
μBGA - micro-BGA, with ball spacing less than 1 mm
LLP - Lead Less Package, a package with metric pin distribution (0.5 mm pitch).
Non-packaged devices (although surface mount, these devices require specific process for assembly):
COB - chip-on-board; a bare silicon chip, that is usually an integrated circuit, is supplied without a package (usually a lead frame overmolded with epoxy) and is attached, often with epoxy, directly to a circuit board. The chip is then wire bonded and protected from mechanical damage and contamination by an epoxy "glob-top".
COF - chip-on-flex; a variation of COB, where a chip is mounted directly to a flex circuit.
COG - chip-on-glass; a variation of COB, where a chip is mounted directly to a piece of glass - typically an LCD display.
There are often subtle variations in package details from manufacturer to manufacturer, and even though standard designations are used, designers need to confirm dimensions when laying out printed circuit boards.
Companies producing SMT based printed circuit boards include:
An SMT component is usually smaller than its leaded counterpart because it has no leads or smaller leads. It may have short pins or leads of various styles, flat contacts, a matrix of balls (BGAs), or terminations on the body of the component (passives).
1 History
2 Assembly techniques
3 Main advantages
4 Main disadvantages
5 Reworking defective surface mount components
6 Package sizes
7 Manufacturers
8 See also
9 External links
Surface-mount technology was developed in the 1960s and became widely used in the late 1980s. Much of the pioneering work in this technology was done at IBM. Components were mechanically redesigned to have small metal tabs or end caps that could be directly soldered to the surface of the PCB. Components became much smaller and component placement on both sides of the board became far more common with surface-mounting than through-hole mounting, allowing much higher circuit densities. Often, only the solder joints hold the parts to the board, although parts on the bottom or "second" side of the board are temporarily secured with a dot of adhesive as well. Surface-mounted devices (SMDs) are usually made physically small and lightweight for this reason. Surface mounting lends itself well to a high degree of automation, reducing labor cost and greatly increasing production rates. SMDs can be one-quarter to one-tenth the size and weight, and one-half to one-quarter the cost of through-hole parts.
Assembly techniques
Where components are to be placed, the printed circuit board has flat, usually tin-lead, silver or gold plated copper pads without holes, called solder pads. Solder paste, a sticky mixture of flux and tiny solder particles, is first applied to all the solder pads with a stainless steel stencil. If components are to be mounted on the second side, a numerically controlled (NC) machine places small liquid adhesive dots at the locations of all second-side components. The boards then proceed to the pick-and-place machines, where they are placed on a conveyor belt. Small SMDs are usually delivered to the production line on paper or plastic tapes wound on reels. Integrated circuits are typically delivered stacked in static-free plastic tubes or trays. NC pick-and-place machines remove the parts from the reels or tubes and place them on the PCB. Second-side components are placed first, and the adhesive dots are quickly cured with application of low heat or ultraviolet radiation. The boards are flipped over and first-side components are placed by additional NC machines.
The boards are then conveyed into the reflow soldering oven. They first enter a pre-heat zone, where the temperature of the board and all the components is gradually, uniformly raised. This helps minimize thermal stresses when the assemblies cool down after soldering. The boards then enter a zone where the temperature is high enough to melt the solder particles in the solder paste, bonding the component leads to the pads on the circuit board. The surface tension of the molten solder helps keep the components in place, and if the solder pad geometries are correctly designed, surface tension automatically aligns the components on their pads. There are a number of techniques for reflowing solder. One is to use infrared lamps; this is called infrared reflow. Another is to use a hot gas. At one time special fluorocarbon liquids with high boiling points were used, a method called vapor phase reflow. Due to environmental concerns, this method is falling out of favor. Today, it is more common to use nitrogen gas or nitrogen gas enriched air in a convection oven. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. With infrared reflow, the board designer must lay the board out so that short components don't fall into the shadows of tall components. Component location is less restricted if the designer knows that vapor phase reflow or convection soldering will be used in production. Following reflow soldering, certain irregular or heat-sensitive components may be installed and soldered by hand, or in large scale automation, by focused infrared beam (FIB) equipment.
After soldering, the boards are washed to remove flux residue and any stray solder balls that could short out closely spaced component leads. Rosin flux is removed with fluorocarbon solvents, high flash point hydrocarbon solvents, or limonene, derived from orange peels. Water soluble fluxes are removed with deionized water and detergent, followed by an air blast to quickly remove residual water. When aesthetics are unimportant and the flux doesn't cause shorting or corrosion, flux residues are sometimes left on the boards, saving the cost of cleaning and eliminating the waste disposal.
Finally, the boards are visually inspected for missing or misaligned components and solder bridging. If needed, they are sent to a rework station where a human operator corrects any errors. They are then sent to the testing stations to verify that they work correctly.
Main advantages
The main advantages of SMT over the older through-hole technique are:
smaller, lighter components
fewer holes need to be drilled through abrasive boards
simpler automated assembly
small errors in component placement are corrected automatically (the surface tension of the molten solder pulls the component into alignment with the solder pads)
components can be fitted to both sides of the circuit board
lower lead resistance and inductance (leading to better performance for high frequency parts)
better mechanical performance under shake and vibration conditions.
SMT parts generally cost less than through-hole parts
Main disadvantages
The one major disadvantage of SMT is the difficulty in manual handling due to the very small sizes and lead spacings of SMDs, making component-level repair of devices using it extremely difficult, and often uneconomical.
Reworking defective surface mount components
Defective surface mount components can be repaired by using a rework system. A rework process usually undoes some type of error, either human or machine-generated, and includes the following steps:
Melt solder and component removal
Residual solder removal
Printing of solder paste on PCB, direct component printing or dispensing
Placement and reflow of new component
Sometimes hundreds or thousands of the same part need to be repaired. Such errors, if due to assembly, are often caught during the process. But a whole new level of rework arises when: component failure is discovered too late, design defects go unnoticed until the end user experiences them, high-value products require revisions re-engineering change orders can revive a once-obsolete product, or firmware updates require the change of only a single die to reuse a product. These tasks require a rework operation specifically designed to repair/replace components in volume.
Package sizes
This article or section needs additional references or sources to improve its verifiability.
It may be using the words or ideas of other publications in its text, without citing the source(s) of the information.
Please help improve this article by introducing appropriate citations. This article has been tagged since January 2007. (help)
MLP package 28-pin chip
32-pin MQFP chip being manually soldered for prototyping purposes
Various SMD chips, desoldered
SMD capacitors (left side), along with two through-hole capacitors (right side)Surface-mount components are usually much smaller than their leaded counterparts, and are designed to be handled by machines rather than by humans. The electronics industry has defined a collection of standard package shapes and sizes (the leading standardisation body is JEDEC). These include:
Two terminals packages
Rectangular passive components (mostly resistors and capacitors):
01005 - 0.016" × 0.008" (0.4 mm × 0.2 mm)
0201 - 0.024" × 0.012" (0.6 mm × 0.3 mm)
0402 - 0.04" × 0.02" (1.0 mm × 0.5 mm)
0603 - 0.063" × 0.031" (1.6 mm × 0.8 mm)
0805 - 0.08" × 0.05" (2.0 mm × 1.25 mm)
1206 - 0.126" × 0.063" (3.2 mm × 1.6 mm)
1812 - 0.18" × 0.12" (4.6 mm × 3.0 mm)
2512 - 0.25" × 0.12" (6.3 mm × 3.0 mm)
Tantalum capacitors:
Size A (EIA 3216-18): 3.2 mm × 1.6 mm × 1.6 mm
Size B (EIA 3528-21): 3.5 mm × 2.8 mm × 1.9 mm
Size C (EIA 6032-28): 6.0 mm × 3.2 mm × 2.2 mm
Size D (EIA 7343-31): 7.3 mm × 4.3 mm × 2.4 mm
Size E (EIA 7343-43): 7.3 mm × 4.3 mm × 4.1 mm
SOD - Small outline diode [1]
SOD-323: 1.7 × 1.25 × 0.95 mm
SOD-123: 3.68 × 1.17 × 1.60 mm
SOD-80C: 3.50mm × 1.50mm × More info [2]
MELF—Metal ELectrical Face - (mostly resistors and diodes): Barrel shaped components, dimensions do not match those of rectangular references for identical codes.
Size 0201: L:2.2mm D:1.1mm (solder pad fits rectangular 0805)
Size 0204: L:3.6mm D:1.4mm (solder pad fits rectangular 1206)
Size 0207: L:5.8mm D:2.2mm
Three terminals packages
SOT - small-outline transistor, with three terminals [3]
SOT-23 - 3 mm × 1.75 mm × 1.3 mm body - three terminals for a transistor, or up to eight terminals for an integrated circuit
SOT-223 - 6.7 mm × 3.7 mm × 1.8 mm body - four terminals, one of which is a large heat-transfer pad
DPAK (TO-252) - discrete packaging. Developed by Motorola to house higher powered devices. Comes in three- or five-terminal versions [4]
D2PAK (TO-263) - bigger than the DPAK; basically a surface mount equivalent of the TO220 through-hole package. Comes in 3, 5, 6, 7, or 8-terminal versions [5]
D3PAK (TO-268) - even larger than D2PAK [6]
Packages with four or more terminals (drawings of most of the following packages can be found on [7])
Small-Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC) - small-outline integrated circuit, dual-in-line, 8 or more pins, gull-wing lead form, pin spacing 1.27 mm
TSOP - thin small-outline package, thinner than SOIC with smaller pin spacing of 0.5 mm
SSOP - shrink small-outline package, pin spacing of 0.635 mm or in some cases 0.8mm
TSSOP - thin shrink small-outline package.
QSOP - quarter-size small-outline package, with pin spacing of 0.635 mm
VSOP - even smaller than QSOP; 0.4, 0.5 mm or 0.65 mm pin spacing
PLCC - plastic leaded chip carrier, square, J-lead, pin spacing 1.27 mm
QFP - Quad Flat Package, various sizes, with pins on all four sides
LQFP - Low-profile Quad Flat Package, 1.4 mm high, varying sized and pins on all four sides
PQFP - plastic quad flat-pack, a square with pins on all four sides, 44 or more pins
CQFP - ceramic quad flat-pack, similar to PQFP
MQFP - Metric Quad Flat Pack, a QFP package with metric pin distribution
TQFP - thin quad flat pack, a thinner version of PQFP
QFN - quad flat pack, no-leads, smaller footprint than leaded equivalent
MLP - Leadframe package with a 0.5 mm contact pitch, no leads [8]
PQFN - power quad flat-pack, no-leads, with exposed die-pad[s] for heatsinking
Grid arrays
BGA - ball grid array, with a square or rectangular array of solder balls on one surface, ball spacing typically 1.27 mm
LFBGA - low profile fine pitch ball grid array, with a square or rectangular array of solder balls on one surface, ball spacing typically 0.8 mm
CGA - column grid array, circuit package in which the input and output points are high temperature solder cylinders or columns arranged in a grid pattern.
CCGA - ceramic column grid array, circuit package in which the input and output points are high temperature solder cylinders or columns arranged in a grid pattern. The body of the component is ceramic.
μBGA - micro-BGA, with ball spacing less than 1 mm
LLP - Lead Less Package, a package with metric pin distribution (0.5 mm pitch).
Non-packaged devices (although surface mount, these devices require specific process for assembly):
COB - chip-on-board; a bare silicon chip, that is usually an integrated circuit, is supplied without a package (usually a lead frame overmolded with epoxy) and is attached, often with epoxy, directly to a circuit board. The chip is then wire bonded and protected from mechanical damage and contamination by an epoxy "glob-top".
COF - chip-on-flex; a variation of COB, where a chip is mounted directly to a flex circuit.
COG - chip-on-glass; a variation of COB, where a chip is mounted directly to a piece of glass - typically an LCD display.
There are often subtle variations in package details from manufacturer to manufacturer, and even though standard designations are used, designers need to confirm dimensions when laying out printed circuit boards.
Companies producing SMT based printed circuit boards include:
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Corrective Action and 8_D process
1.1 The eight disciplines are:
1.1.1 D0 – Awareness of the Problem . Customer (at the site or in the field) concern or internal (process, product or system) concern.
1.1.2 D1 – Establish the Team. The team is cross-functional, assuring the right knowledge, skills and experience is represented. All perspectives of the problem are represented (the stakeholders). The team size should be manageable to effectively allow decision making and solutions to be implemented in a timely manner. The characteristics of an effective team should include leadership; commitment; clearly defined goals; objectives & responsibilities; trust and respect; authority; effective listening; time management & effective communication skills.
1.1.3 D2 – Describe the Problem. This is a definitive documented statement of the issue. Steps used to document the problem are collecting facts through the “who, what, when, where, why, how and how many” questioning. This part of the process is factual and describes the gap between what “is” and what should be. It is imperative that the true problem is identified to solve it instead of addressing symptoms.
1.1.4 D3 – Initiate Containment. Immediate actions are taken to identify and contain the product to prevent building and shipping additional products. Verification that the potential actions are capable of containing the problem is required. This part of the evaluation process must include analyzing how far reaching the containment actions need to be (ie internal, customer site, in the field, etc.)
1.1.5 D4 – Identify Root Cause. This is the most difficult and critical part of the 8-D process. The inaccurate identification of the root cause will allow the problem to recur. Common tools used to determine root cause are Fishbone Diagrams, Brainstorming (used for formulating ideas of root cause), Experimentation and Process Flow Analysis. Using the “5 Why?” questioning technique, along with visual observation of the process are important factors in this step.
1.1.6 D5 – Identify and Implement Corrective Action. The action(s) taken to eliminate the cause and to prevent recurrence. The corrective actions must align with the identified root causes, at minimum. The last part of this process is to assure a definitive plan for implementing the actions.
1.1.7 D6 – Verify Corrective Action Effectiveness. The team establishes the verification plan to measure the effectiveness of the implemented actions. This is a data driven process.
1.1.8 D7 – Identify and Implement Action(s) to Prevent Recurrence. This step in the process is the preventive action taken to prevent the problem from recurring again within the workcell, across lines or products in other sites, or globally. Corrective action is a reactive activity while preventive action is a proactive activity. Preventive opportunities are in the updating of Design & Process FMEA’s, Control Plans and Design for Manufacturability. Leveraging and sharing lessons learned within workcells, sites and products and across the globe are where the most benefit is realized.
1.1.9 D8 – Recognize the Team. The efforts and accomplishments are recognized. The CAR is officially closed out.
1.1.1 D0 – Awareness of the Problem . Customer (at the site or in the field) concern or internal (process, product or system) concern.
1.1.2 D1 – Establish the Team. The team is cross-functional, assuring the right knowledge, skills and experience is represented. All perspectives of the problem are represented (the stakeholders). The team size should be manageable to effectively allow decision making and solutions to be implemented in a timely manner. The characteristics of an effective team should include leadership; commitment; clearly defined goals; objectives & responsibilities; trust and respect; authority; effective listening; time management & effective communication skills.
1.1.3 D2 – Describe the Problem. This is a definitive documented statement of the issue. Steps used to document the problem are collecting facts through the “who, what, when, where, why, how and how many” questioning. This part of the process is factual and describes the gap between what “is” and what should be. It is imperative that the true problem is identified to solve it instead of addressing symptoms.
1.1.4 D3 – Initiate Containment. Immediate actions are taken to identify and contain the product to prevent building and shipping additional products. Verification that the potential actions are capable of containing the problem is required. This part of the evaluation process must include analyzing how far reaching the containment actions need to be (ie internal, customer site, in the field, etc.)
1.1.5 D4 – Identify Root Cause. This is the most difficult and critical part of the 8-D process. The inaccurate identification of the root cause will allow the problem to recur. Common tools used to determine root cause are Fishbone Diagrams, Brainstorming (used for formulating ideas of root cause), Experimentation and Process Flow Analysis. Using the “5 Why?” questioning technique, along with visual observation of the process are important factors in this step.
1.1.6 D5 – Identify and Implement Corrective Action. The action(s) taken to eliminate the cause and to prevent recurrence. The corrective actions must align with the identified root causes, at minimum. The last part of this process is to assure a definitive plan for implementing the actions.
1.1.7 D6 – Verify Corrective Action Effectiveness. The team establishes the verification plan to measure the effectiveness of the implemented actions. This is a data driven process.
1.1.8 D7 – Identify and Implement Action(s) to Prevent Recurrence. This step in the process is the preventive action taken to prevent the problem from recurring again within the workcell, across lines or products in other sites, or globally. Corrective action is a reactive activity while preventive action is a proactive activity. Preventive opportunities are in the updating of Design & Process FMEA’s, Control Plans and Design for Manufacturability. Leveraging and sharing lessons learned within workcells, sites and products and across the globe are where the most benefit is realized.
1.1.9 D8 – Recognize the Team. The efforts and accomplishments are recognized. The CAR is officially closed out.
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